Unlike other animals you want to get off of your property, a skunk can be very difficult due to the fact that they can spray a very strong foul-smelling spray toward anything or anyone that manages to get too close. Over the years, skunks have become persistent when it comes to being on human property. They can cause quite a ruckus as they dig up holes in the yard or they go through the garden to help themselves. Skunks can carry diseases and once they find a place to build a den that is close to food or water, it is difficult to get rid of them.
Skunks are not that easy to catch and trap so you need to use the right bait to do the job. It’s not only important to use the right bait but where you place it is also going to be significant too. Here are some bait solutions that might make getting rid of a skunk easier.
When baiting and trapping a skunk, keep your domestic animals out of the area or away from the trap while you have it set, otherwise they will go to the trap to see what smells good and you will end up catching your cat or dog and the skunk will get away.
Remember, skunks are considered scavengers and rely highly on their noses to get them to a food source that they can enjoy. When thinking about the right bait, consider baits that have a strong smell to them, such as tuna. Other bait ideas include:
Cat food
Raw chicken
Peanut butter
Sweets such as marshmallows
When you add bait to the trap, you want to place the bait where it is easy to see so the skunk will walk right into the trap because they are so focused on the smell. Once they reach the food, you want the bait to be up front enough so that when the trap slams closed, the skunks are completely inside the trap and unable to turn around and run out.
When setting the bait, the skunk needs to have something to lick or chew on for a while so that gives the trap time to close.
Trap Location
When trying to figure out where to place the trap, think about where the animal comes in and out daily in order to get out of their den and search for food. That is where you will want to set the trap. Skunks are quick to notice things that have changed so you must have the trap blend in so the skunk doesn’t realize he is actually stepping into a trap. If a skunk is underneath your porch or upper deck, this will be the place to set your trap. If they are using a hole in the fence to cross over to your property, then place the prepared trap over the exact hole where the skunk comes and goes. As long as the bait is right, the skunk won’t think twice about stepping over the fence and into the cage to get the food.
The skunk may be a little nervous about approaching the trap, especially if it is a trap that you set out on the path that the skunk takes every day. Make the trap look as natural as possible so the skunk won’t take too long doubting his approach. Don’t cover the trap as this makes the skunk feel trapped inside and he won’t like it. Allow the cage to be as simple and basic as possible.
It's important that you keep an eye on your trap throughout the day and check on it to make sure you don’t end up trapping the neighbor's cat or another wild animal that isn’t bothering you.
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